Muzeum přírodovědy - Smržovka

Muzeum založené v srpnu v roce 1999 přírodovědcem RNDr. Vítem Pickem se nalézá ve středu obce Smržovky na náměstí T.G.masaryka č.600 v přízemí MÚ.

Výjimečné je tím, že je to první soukromé muzeum v České republice ve svém oboru, neboť všechna ostatní přírodovědná muzea jsou státní. Muzeum je otevřeno celoročně, denně od 9 do 17 hodin. Zavíracím dnem je pondělí.

V regionu je bezesporu ojedinělou zajímavostí, kterou doporučujeme navštívit.

Muzeum přírodovědy | Natural Historical Museum Muzeum přírodovědy | Natural Historical Museum Muzeum přírodovědy | Natural Historical Museum Muzeum přírodovědy | Natural Historical Museum Muzeum přírodovědy | Natural Historical Museum Muzeum přírodovědy | Natural Historical Museum Muzeum přírodovědy | Natural Historical Museum Muzeum přírodovědy | Natural Historical Museum Muzeum přírodovědy | Natural Historical Museum Muzeum přírodovědy | Natural Historical Museum

Natural Historical Museum Smržovka

Museum was founded by naturalist RNDR. Vít Picek in August 1999 and is situated in centre of Smržovka at T.G.Masaryks square No.600 in groundfloor of municipal office.

The museum is rare for being the first privat museum in the Czech Republic, because the other natural science museums are state ones. It is open daily from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m. throughout the year, except Monday. Indisputably, the museum is the tare intereset we recomend tou to visit.

The museum is diveded to several parts.
The first one (entrance hall) presents insects and other articulates. You might find there anything about their classification and development on visual panels. The class of insects is represented there by all existing order of insects. There are series of big, bizarre and fine coloured specimens of all continets. It also should be mentioned that this exposition is ditributed world widely. Tou mifgt see there the biggest butterflly in the world, which is from India (Attacus caesar) and also the biggest beetle, it is from the tribe round-headed borers (Titanus giganteus) from Brazil. There are represented other inetresting articulates, from our lobsters up to exotic crabs and a lovely collection of giant trap-door spiders.

In the other part of the museum you might find almost completed collection of birds from CR and also there are some exhibits of rare bird guests, which fly to as just time by time. This part is fulfilled by exotic birds - by parrets, rare species of pheasants and a collection from South-Eastern Asia.

In the third part there is set mineralogy exposition. Here are dominanted minerals of local region, flints in different similaritirs - jaspers, agates... We can find here also minerals from whole Europe, America, Africa and also from Australia. At the presents two other exposition and should be presented in midway of the year 2000.

The other one - Jizera mountains - is arranged by emplogeos of CHKOJH. It willtreat geological basis rare fauna and flora and wardship of original beechen growths of Jizera mountains.